USVI Housing Authority - IPM in Multifamily Housing Training Home Page

Register Here


July 13th, Introduction to IPM and Pesticide Use - Watch the recording here

July 20th, Cockroaches - Watch the recording here

July 27th, Rodents and Pigeons - Watch the recording here

August 3rd, Bed Bugs - Watch the recording here

Register Here

Complete all four sessions and fill out the questionnaire to earn your certificate of completion.

Missed a session? Recordings of all the sessions will be posted here.

Course description:

The IPM in Multifamily Housing Course was designed to help housing professionals understand their roles in supporting safe and effective pest control in their communities. The course covers:

  • how to effectively manage pests within a housing community with the least risk of pesticide exposure;

  • the major health risks posed by common pests;

  • the biology and behavior of the major pests of housing (bed bugs, cockroaches and rodents);

  • and how to troubleshoot pest control failures.

Register Here

These webinars are interactive, including polls, chats and Q&A. We have scheduled 2 hours for each session, they may be shorter depending on attendance and participation levels.

Questions? email

Support for this training is provided by HUD's Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes.

Handouts for the course

Homework - IPM Workplan and Contract Language worksheet

IPM Log Example focus unit tracking sheet

Safety Data Sheet (sample)

NPIC graphic – Reading Pesticide labels

HUD IPM Notice PIH 2011-22

HUD Bed Bug Notice PIH 2012-17

Roles & Responsibilities- IPM team job descriptions

Helpful resources:

Controlling Nuisance Pigeons

Caribbean Healthy Homes Booklet

Your Safe and Healthy Home for families in the U.S. Virgin Islands

Cistern Tips - from US Virgin Islands University Extension

Termite information from Clemson University

Termite information of the Universty of Missouri

Information on powderpost beetles from Texas

Helpful resident engagement materials:

Bed Bug Poster (English or Español)

Tenant Bed Bug Policy

Tri-fold flyer – Tenant’s role in IPM

Resident’s guide: Stop Cockroaches! Spanish: Detenga las Cucarachas!

Resident’s guide: Stop Mice! Spanish: Detenga los Ratones!

Resident’s guide: Stop Bed Bugs! Spanish: Detenga las Chinches!

NYS IPM Program’s Bed Bug Management - One Step at a Time illustrated guide,

--- Spanish - Manejo de las Chinches - Un Paso a la Vez


PDFs of the slides:

Session 1. Introduction to IPM and Pesticide Use

Session 2. Cockroaches

Session 3. Rodents & Pigeons

Session 4. Bed Bugs