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USVI Housing Authority - IPM in Multifamily Housing Training Home Page
July 13th, Introduction to IPM and Pesticide Use - Watch the recording here
July 20th, Cockroaches - Watch the recording here
July 27th, Rodents and Pigeons - Watch the recording here
August 3rd, Bed Bugs - Watch the recording here
Complete all four sessions and fill out the questionnaire to earn your certificate of completion.
Missed a session? Recordings of all the sessions will be posted here.
Course description:
The IPM in Multifamily Housing Course was designed to help housing professionals understand their roles in supporting safe and effective pest control in their communities. The course covers:
how to effectively manage pests within a housing community with the least risk of pesticide exposure;
the major health risks posed by common pests;
the biology and behavior of the major pests of housing (bed bugs, cockroaches and rodents);
and how to troubleshoot pest control failures.
These webinars are interactive, including polls, chats and Q&A. We have scheduled 2 hours for each session, they may be shorter depending on attendance and participation levels.
Questions? email stoppests@cornell.edu
Support for this training is provided by HUD's Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes.
Handouts for the course
Homework - IPM Workplan and Contract Language worksheet
IPM Log Example focus unit tracking sheet
NPIC graphic – Reading Pesticide labels
HUD Bed Bug Notice PIH 2012-17
Roles & Responsibilities- IPM team job descriptions
Helpful resources:
Caribbean Healthy Homes Booklet
Your Safe and Healthy Home for families in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Cistern Tips - from US Virgin Islands University Extension
Termite information from Clemson University
Termite information of the Universty of Missouri
Information on powderpost beetles from Texas
Helpful resident engagement materials:
Bed Bug Poster (English or Español)
Tri-fold flyer – Tenant’s role in IPM
Resident’s guide: Stop Cockroaches! Spanish: Detenga las Cucarachas!
Resident’s guide: Stop Mice! Spanish: Detenga los Ratones!
Resident’s guide: Stop Bed Bugs! Spanish: Detenga las Chinches!
NYS IPM Program’s Bed Bug Management - One Step at a Time illustrated guide,
--- Spanish - Manejo de las Chinches - Un Paso a la Vez
PDFs of the slides:
Session 1. Introduction to IPM and Pesticide Use
Session 2. Cockroaches
Session 3. Rodents & Pigeons
Session 4. Bed Bugs